Yannis the Macedonian
2004-07-17 17:16:06 UTC
(c. 360316 nc.), Macedonian general, Was a native of Cardia in the
Thracian Chersonesus. At a very early age he was employed as private
..................................................(c. 360316 nc.), Macedonian general, Was a native of Cardia in the
Thracian Chersonesus. At a very early age he was employed as private
to death. He was an able soldier, who did his utmost to maintain the
unity of Alexanders empire in Asia; but his efforts were frustrated by
the generals and satraps, who hated and despised the secretary and
...................................................unity of Alexanders empire in Asia; but his efforts were frustrated by
the generals and satraps, who hated and despised the secretary and
« EUMENES <http://39.1911encyclopedia.org/E/EU/EUMENES.htm>
Hahahahahahahaha !!The most pathetic SlavoSkopian propagandist has no diffidence to mold shits
in order to defend her lies !! She couldn't see that "foreigner" above
means "one from other place". Look:
Macedonians hated so much Greeks and Greekness that they had (always) Greek
names, like those in the passages Galinitsa cited ( Krateros, Antigonos,
Polysperchon, Antipatros, Neoptolemos, Perdiccas, Kassandros, Leonnatos,
Ptolemaios, Philippos, Alexandros ) and spread Greek Language and
Civilization to the World.
After this, is it possible to argue on Macedonians' Greekness ??
That's why I am right to say: DAMN YOU SLAVOSKOPIAN PROPAGANDISTS !!
Macedonia, Greece