When archaeology gets bent
(too old to reply)
Yannis the Macedonian
2004-01-10 17:28:26 UTC
Roman you are a compulsive liar not Wolf Wolf. Do the Macedonians in
Aegean Macedonia and Pirin Macedonia have any human rights? Wolf Wolf
said No , I say no , now who is the compulsive liar you or us. Think
about it.
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Macedonians have full human rights respect in Greece. Actually none in
Greece can distinguish Macedonians from the other Greeks the last 2000
years at least.
SlavoSkopians in Macedonia, Greece ask to learn and speak Macedonian. This
is exactly what they have. Actually there is no other Macedonian language
except the known Greek dialect spoken by Macedonians all the time. So, if
SlavoSkopians want something else they shall to ask it properly.
Macedonia, Greece
2004-01-24 17:50:57 UTC
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
Macedonians have full human rights respect in Greece. Actually none in
Greece can distinguish Macedonians from the other Greeks the last 2000
years at least.
SlavoSkopians in Macedonia, Greece ask to learn and speak Macedonian. This
is exactly what they have. Actually there is no other Macedonian language
except the known Greek dialect spoken by Macedonians all the time. So, if
SlavoSkopians want something else they shall to ask it properly.
First, regardless of what you or one group or the other group calls the
language, if a group of people have to get permission from another group
of people in order to speak it, then this is a violation of human

It appears that "Yannis the Macedonian" posts hate-filled rants such as
this one from time to time in various newsgroups. Hate propaganda is
also a violation of human rights and Yannis should note that if this
continues, the authorities WILL file charges. A sincere apology and no
further postings on the matter might be able to lessen the sentence

For those who don't know what is going on: Yannis periodically posts
propaganda against the people who speak the Slavic language known as
Macedonian. His claim is that the term Macedonian should apply only to
the dialect of Greek known by that name, which makes about as much sense
as saying that French shouldn't be called French because the language of
the Franks, a Germanic tribe, is no longer spoken in France---or English
shouldn't be called English since in the last 1500 years influences
other than the language of the Angles have affected English. He has
invented the term "SlavoSkopians" to refer to people who speak the
Slavic Macedonian language.

It is not uncommon for the names of regions to remain even when the
language changes---see the examples of French and English above. Or
what about Britain? In Great Britain the primary language is English;
in Lesser Britain, or Brittany, it is French. The name "Macedonia"
refers to a region which is now mostly in northern Greece and the
southern part of former Yugoslavia, now known as Macedonia (there is no
confusion since no other country goes by that name---Greece is called
Greece or Hellas). Macedonian can refer either to a dialect of Greek or
to the Slavic language spoken in Macedonia.

No hate-filled twisting of words will change the fact that many people
speak a Slavic language in modern Macedonia, where a dialect of Greek
was spoken in the past, nor the fact that many slavic-speaking
Macedonians living in Greece were the object of racial hatred and
"ethnic cleansing".

The country of Macedonia today has many problems and will find its own
solutions to them. Conquering Greece is not on the agenda, so it is
strange that Yannis and others have such a fear of this.
Jason K. Lambrou
2004-01-24 19:11:10 UTC
Post by h***@uno.org
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
Macedonians have full human rights respect in Greece. Actually none in
Greece can distinguish Macedonians from the other Greeks the last 2000
years at least.
SlavoSkopians in Macedonia, Greece ask to learn and speak Macedonian. This
is exactly what they have. Actually there is no other Macedonian language
except the known Greek dialect spoken by Macedonians all the time. So, if
SlavoSkopians want something else they shall to ask it properly.
First, regardless of what you or one group or the other group calls the
language, if a group of people have to get permission from another group
of people in order to speak it, then this is a violation of human
It appears that "Yannis the Macedonian" posts hate-filled rants such as
this one from time to time in various newsgroups. Hate propaganda is
also a violation of human rights and Yannis should note that if this
continues, the authorities WILL file charges. A sincere apology and no
further postings on the matter might be able to lessen the sentence
For those who don't know what is going on: Yannis periodically posts
propaganda against the people who speak the Slavic language known as
Macedonian. His claim is that the term Macedonian should apply only to
the dialect of Greek known by that name, which makes about as much sense
as saying that French shouldn't be called French because the language of
the Franks, a Germanic tribe, is no longer spoken in France---or English
shouldn't be called English since in the last 1500 years influences
other than the language of the Angles have affected English. He has
invented the term "SlavoSkopians" to refer to people who speak the
Slavic Macedonian language.
It is not uncommon for the names of regions to remain even when the
language changes---see the examples of French and English above. Or
what about Britain? In Great Britain the primary language is English;
in Lesser Britain, or Brittany, it is French. The name "Macedonia"
refers to a region which is now mostly in northern Greece and the
southern part of former Yugoslavia, now known as Macedonia (there is no
confusion since no other country goes by that name---Greece is called
Greece or Hellas). Macedonian can refer either to a dialect of Greek or
to the Slavic language spoken in Macedonia.
No hate-filled twisting of words will change the fact that many people
speak a Slavic language in modern Macedonia, where a dialect of Greek
was spoken in the past, nor the fact that many slavic-speaking
Macedonians living in Greece were the object of racial hatred and
"ethnic cleansing".
The country of Macedonia today has many problems and will find its own
solutions to them. Conquering Greece is not on the agenda, so it is
strange that Yannis and others have such a fear of this.
I want to answer you for myself, and myself alone. During the Greek civil
war your Slavophones buddies bet on the wrong horse and you lost, end of
We lost Asia Minor in 1922 end of story, but you people want to open old
wounds again
fine, keep pushing until you push the wrong button and you will find out what
'Furia Greca" is. Your people started this campaign against us, check your
friend's Illinden's
article this morning- calling Thessaloniki "Solun"what the hell is a solun,you
Slavophone-idiots.You can/t even pronounce Makedonian names properly and you
to "rule" the whole area. get a life Vardarian.
Yannis the Macedonian
2004-01-24 21:09:52 UTC
Post by h***@uno.org
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
Macedonians have full human rights respect in Greece. Actually none in
Greece can distinguish Macedonians from the other Greeks the last 2000
years at least.
SlavoSkopians in Macedonia, Greece ask to learn and speak Macedonian. This
is exactly what they have. Actually there is no other Macedonian language
except the known Greek dialect spoken by Macedonians all the time. So, if
SlavoSkopians want something else they shall to ask it properly.
First, regardless of what you or one group or the other group calls the
language, if a group of people have to get permission from another group
of people in order to speak it, then this is a violation of human
This "right" has its limits: People cannot use a name already used for a
foreign language. What we shall do if English call their language Greek? Or
if SlavoSkopians call their language Macedonian? I think this would be (
and in the case of SlavoSkopian IS..) a brutal human rights violation.
Post by h***@uno.org
It appears that "Yannis the Macedonian" posts hate-filled rants such as
this one from time to time in various newsgroups. Hate propaganda is
also a violation of human rights and Yannis should note that if this
continues, the authorities WILL file charges. A sincere apology and no
further postings on the matter might be able to lessen the sentence
I will follow SlavoSkopians if they apologize to me for the violation of my
own human rights over an exclusive tribal and language name. My tribal and
my language were and are Macedonian the last 3000 years at least.
I will be glad to defend my right to be called Macedonian.
Post by h***@uno.org
For those who don't know what is going on: Yannis periodically posts
propaganda against the people who speak the Slavic language known as
Macedonian. His claim is that the term Macedonian should apply only to
the dialect of Greek known by that name, which makes about as much sense
as saying that French shouldn't be called French because the language of
the Franks, a Germanic tribe, is no longer spoken in France---or English
shouldn't be called English since in the last 1500 years influences
other than the language of the Angles have affected English. He has
invented the term "SlavoSkopians" to refer to people who speak the
Slavic Macedonian language.
Is there any Frank or Angle to defend his language's name?
If it really was there, what we should do ?
Post by h***@uno.org
It is not uncommon for the names of regions to remain even when the
language changes---see the examples of French and English above. Or
what about Britain? In Great Britain the primary language is English;
in Lesser Britain, or Brittany, it is French. The name "Macedonia"
refers to a region which is now mostly in northern Greece and the
southern part of former Yugoslavia, now known as Macedonia (there is no
confusion since no other country goes by that name---Greece is called
Greece or Hellas). Macedonian can refer either to a dialect of Greek or
to the Slavic language spoken in Macedonia.
Macedonia is much more than a geographic term. There was a Greek tribe
called by that name that spread Greek Language and Civilization to the
World. It is as Ionia for Greeks. Turks never wanted to be called Ionians
despite they have Ionia. Macedonia is as important for Greeks as Bavaria
for Germans. Would any German allow any non German be called Bavarian ??
Post by h***@uno.org
No hate-filled twisting of words will change the fact that many people
speak a Slavic language in modern Macedonia, where a dialect of Greek
was spoken in the past, nor the fact that many slavic-speaking
Macedonians living in Greece were the object of racial hatred and
"ethnic cleansing".
There is no racial-hatred against any Slavic people. There is full hate
against SlavoSkopian propagandists that made the last 60 years a whole
people to claim as clowns that they are Macedonians and their language
Macedonian and their heroes Macedonian.
Post by h***@uno.org
The country of Macedonia today has many problems and will find its own
solutions to them. Conquering Greece is not on the agenda, so it is
strange that Yannis and others have such a fear of this.
Skopje never was in Macedonia but after 1944 when Tito named the southern
part of Yugoslavia that was called Vardarska Banovina as Macedonia, for
obvious political and imperialist reasons, that only SlavoSkopians don't
recognize !!

Conclusion. I have the right to call my self what I want right? Then I
choose to call me Macedonian. But if I am Macedonian then SlavoSkopians are
not and have no right to be called like me !!!
If ancient Macedonians were Greeks ( which is obvious truth) then no people
but Greeks have the right to be called Macedonians.
Macedonia, Greece
Yanart Amin Ari
2004-01-26 04:13:18 UTC
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
This "right" has its limits: People cannot use a name already used for a
foreign language. What we shall do if English call their language Greek?
Let me assure you dear boy that nobody else *wants* to call their language

I speak for all Englishmen when I tell you that *Greek* is a common British
metaphor for anal sodomy

PS, *YOUR* English is frequently refered to as Pigeon (at best) or just
sheer gobbledeegook
2004-01-26 10:50:34 UTC
Post by Yanart Amin Ari
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
This "right" has its limits: People cannot use a name already used for a
foreign language. What we shall do if English call their language Greek?
Let me assure you dear boy that nobody else *wants* to call their language
I speak for all Englishmen when I tell you that *Greek* is a common British
metaphor for anal sodomy
Post by Yanart Amin Ari
PS, *YOUR* English is frequently refered to as Pigeon (at best) or just
sheer gobbledeegook
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