In the beginning of 1954 the Papagos government in Greece ( FTCOG)
(too old to reply)
Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-27 19:26:49 UTC
Your comment Mr. Retzios, A.K.A. Rechkov.
In the beginning of 1954 the Papagos government in Greece ( FTCOG)
resolved to remove all Macedonians from official posts in Aegean
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or renamed.
Macedonia, Greece
Anastassios Retzios
2003-12-29 18:37:30 UTC
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
Your comment Mr. Retzios, A.K.A. Rechkov.
In the beginning of 1954 the Papagos government in Greece ( FTCOG)
resolved to remove all Macedonians from official posts in Aegean
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or renamed.
Macedonia, Greece
What does this have to do with the post above? Please, do not spam

Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-29 23:00:12 UTC
Post by Anastassios Retzios
Post by Yannis the Macedonian
In the beginning of 1954 the Papagos government in Greece ( FTCOG)
resolved to remove all Macedonians from official posts in Aegean
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or renamed.
Macedonia, Greece
What does this have to do with the post above? Please, do not spam
Do you really don't understand ??
Macedonia, Greece

Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-29 20:13:14 UTC
Macedonians named after Greek names ALL the cities they built or renamed.
Macedonia, Greece

"Ilinden" <***@sympatico.ca> wrote:...
Alepiloglu came from Izmir Turkey in 1922 to Aegean Macedonia , in Voden
he has a brother who is a member with the Neo-nazi group.
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-29 20:24:05 UTC
"Ilinden" <***@sympatico.ca> wrote:...
Panajoti the Ftcogian historian Herodotus said the Hellenes had nothing in
common with the Macedonians, I have to believe Gligorov or the historian
at that time Mr. Herodotus, Panajoti you are flummoxed again as always.
Pozdrav od Ilinden the SlavoSkopian


"Ellhnas einai toutous tous apo Perdikew gegonotas, kataper aftoi legousi
aftos te outw tygxanw epistamenos kai di en toisi opisthe logoisi apodei3w"
( Her 5.22 )
( That the decendants of Perdikas are Greek as they say and as I know very
well and I will prove in subsequand lines .... )
Herodotus uses no the verb gnorizo ( gnwrizw= I know ), but the verb
epistamai ( = I know as a scientist or specialist ).
So, Herodotus had no doubt on Macedonian's Greekness. He probably made a
research before write the statement above !!
But how could Herodotos have any doubt? Macedonians themeselfs claimed to
be Greek !!
My chum, do testimonies like this one mean anything to you ??
Macedonia, Greece