Yannis the Macedonian
2004-01-08 19:24:05 UTC
"Anastassios Retzios" <***@home.com> wrote:
Each country recognized by UN copyrights a name and an adjective for its
citizenship and people.
This adjective cannot be Macedonian for any country on earth, especially
for SlavoSkopians
Thus your proposal is half. With the name of the country you shall propose
an adjective for its citizenship.
My proposal: Maketja-Maketjan, Pelagonia-Pelagonian...
Macedonia, Greece
Now, Greeks and Macedonian Greeks in particular should decide what the
minimum acceptable solution should be. My feeling is that the events
have gone in such a way that insisting in a total deletion of the word
"Macedonia" from the title of this nation is not going to garner any
international support, something required for any pressure on FYROM to
bear fruit. I think that a proposal for "GornaMacedonia" or "Vardar
Macedonia" or "Northern Macedonia" are more likely to be seen
internationally as reasonable requests. Also, a reasonable request
will be to demand that FYROM amends its textbooks to remove claims on
continuity with the ancient Macedonians as this is absolutely bogus.
There will be wide international support on this (even the wishy-washy
Conflict Resolution Group thought that this was essential).
Well, these are my 5 cents here.
Aggree. But:minimum acceptable solution should be. My feeling is that the events
have gone in such a way that insisting in a total deletion of the word
"Macedonia" from the title of this nation is not going to garner any
international support, something required for any pressure on FYROM to
bear fruit. I think that a proposal for "GornaMacedonia" or "Vardar
Macedonia" or "Northern Macedonia" are more likely to be seen
internationally as reasonable requests. Also, a reasonable request
will be to demand that FYROM amends its textbooks to remove claims on
continuity with the ancient Macedonians as this is absolutely bogus.
There will be wide international support on this (even the wishy-washy
Conflict Resolution Group thought that this was essential).
Well, these are my 5 cents here.
Each country recognized by UN copyrights a name and an adjective for its
citizenship and people.
This adjective cannot be Macedonian for any country on earth, especially
for SlavoSkopians
Thus your proposal is half. With the name of the country you shall propose
an adjective for its citizenship.
My proposal: Maketja-Maketjan, Pelagonia-Pelagonian...
Macedonia, Greece