No answer from Athanasssssios
(too old to reply)
Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-02 13:20:34 UTC
"Ilinden" <***@sympatico.ca> wrote:
The census in Canada asks what is your mother tongue so the many
different nationalities living in Canada can be counted. We have
Russians , Ukrainians, Belorussians, Polish, Slovenians, Slovakians,
Czechs, Macedonians, Serbians, Croatians and many others. So according
Ilinden the SlavoSkopian
Macedonians were always Greeks. As Filotas said Macedonians spoke always a
Greek dialect.
FYROPMian census never allowed Greeks of FYROPM to declare their Greekness.
Macedonia, Greece
Yannis the Macedonian
2003-12-03 19:22:44 UTC
Tashko, Lenin was a factitious name his real name was Ulyanov , your real
name before the
Ftcogians or Greki change your name was Rechkov
Very similar to the name of that SlavoSkopian propagandist Ilyof that wrote
that crap about SlavoSkopian etymology : tr > tor > stor > istor > istoria
history !!!
SlavoSkopian propagandists are joke and SlavoSkopians who believe them are
Macedonia, Greece
